Sunday, December 28, 2008
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Image by leef_smith via FlickrNightingale Conant has added "Browse Inside" to their book collection. So you can try it before you buy it. Try it with "Soul Mapping"by (The Vocare Group) Nina Frost, Dr. Kenneth Ruge, and Dr. Richard Shoup
SOUL MAPPING: An Imaginative Journey to Self-Discovery is a pro-active program in which you are given the many tools to create your unique soul map. Your map is comprised of ten distinct individual maps that, when assembled, will aid you in solving many of your life's unanswered questions, allowing you to experience the vast breadth of your greatness.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
CAFE MOM is a wonderful Social Network for mom's. It is FREE to join and it is a great place to find women that feel the same aarrgghh you do sometimes, when you are raising one or a houseful of kids.
"A perfect beach read!"THE SMART ONE" by Ellen Meister
It took two years and countless rewrites, but my new book, THE SMART ONE (HarperCollins/Avon A), is finally hitting the shelves!! Don't think I could have done it without the support of my CafeMom friends ...
THE SMART ONE is about three adult sisters grappling with each other and the labels of childhood. Then they discover a dead body in an industrial drum under the house next door and begin a bold, heartbreaking and sometimes hilarious journey that will either bring them together ... or tear them apart for good. You can read more about it here.
If you're planning on buying THE SMART ONE, I hope you'll do so soon!!!! The first weeks can make or break a book (and a writer's career), so I'm trying to get the word out fast. And yes, pre-orders on Amazon count.
Also, as I've said before, the first edition could wind up being a collector's item as there are TWO huge mistakes on the back cover. I want all my friends to have this boo-boo edition! Lol.
If you can spot one of the mistakes, you can win a very cool stuffed beach bag. .
To win, just find one of the two errors on the back cover of the book and send me a message about it by August 14. (If you can't find an error, just tell me who the book is dedicated to.) Everyone who responds will be entered into a drawing for THE SMART ONE beach bag, which has a photo of the book on the outside, and contains a tank top and oversized towel, both imprinted with the title of the book so everyone knows you're the smart one! It also has two great paperback beach reads signed by the authors.
It comes out this Tuesday, so please call your local bookstore today and make sure they have it on order. Or, go straight to AMAZON or BARNES And NOBLE and pre-order now.
Thanks so much!
P.S. FYI, THE SMART ONE is the first and only CafeMom-centric novel! This place means so much to me that not only is CafeMom thanked in the acknowledgments, but there's an interview in the back of the book between me and my CafeMom friends.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008
By Dan Green The words Finish Strong instantly and clearly communicate a Finish Strong is a powerful platform for leading your team Regardless of what came before or of what has yet to come, what "Dan Green has written one of the most inspirational books that Ways to Use: Give this book away at your next |
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Image via WikipediaBe sure to check out John Assaraf's Blog about his new book. He and his Friend Murrray Smith have written a book called "The Answer". John mentions it in this quote:
“The Answer” combines the latest in brain science and quantum physics to help you change from the inside out.“The Answer” combines the latest in brain science and quantum physics to help you change from the inside out.
You can read a couple of chapters and if you like what you read you can order right on that page.
Here is a testimonial from Suzanne Somers on the book:
“The Answer” is inspiring….it motivates you to go after the grandest version of the greatest life and business you ever envisioned for yourself with the knowledge that it is absolutely possible. “The Answer” gives you the tools to change your life. This is one of the most exciting books I have ever read.”
- Suzanne Somers, television star, New York Times bestselling author
Make sure you check it out and give John's Blog a DIGG.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sign Up for Powerful Intentions - Powerful Intentions
Sign Up for Powerful Intentions - Powerful Intentions My blog is for books about Life Issues, if you really want to talk about, learn about, or share Life Issues, do it at the best social networking site on the Internet.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Image by corsi photo via FlickrCheck out some new reading material!
Horses, Dogs and Cats are all some of our best friends...I know my cat POGO is my BFF.
When life changes, where do you look for answers, I always turn to books. I believe that knowledge is power and if you ever think you are the only one experiencing a problem or something that gives you great joy, look for some reading material and you will always find the answers.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Mother's Day Sale!
Image by pillowhead_designs via FlickrMother's Day is coming soon, so be prepared order now and get Mom some wonderful books written especially for Mom's from the wonderful collection of HCI books
Remember "nothing is too good for Mom", and "When Mom's not happy, no one is happy."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Image via WikipediaBlogging for Autism this month has taken me on a journey with a lot of really pro-active Mom's. Mom's of children with Autism and many of the disorders under that umbrella. One Mom who is spotlighting this month is Jenny McCarthy with her 5 1/2 year old Who has Autism. Her book is offering comfort to a lot of mom's and some really big AHA moments.
src="" alt="Overcoming Autism" style="border: medium none ; display: block;">Image via celebrities that are standing up for Autism this month and all year round.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Image from WikipediaIf you already have a business add a new one to it.:
Take the day off and work in your pajama and check out these other Biz OPPS"
Thursday, April 3, 2008
As a huge fan of affirmations and quotes, I seem to run across two or three everyday and sometimes there are several that actually show me the direction my day will take.
"There is nothing we like to see so much as the gleam of pleasure in a person's
eye when he feels that we have sympathized with him, understood him At these
moments something fine and spiritual passes between two friends. These are the
moments worth living."
Don Marquis
From Oprah’s mission Statement Newsletter 04-03-2008
"Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you."
Cynthia Kersey
Today I am beginning a new project. A project out of love for a friend to reward a woman who has been a nurse her entire adult life. Funny thing, I have never met her, but I know her already. I have her photos in my living room which I am about to through to create a video of her life, as she celebrates her retirement with her family and friends. She has received many awards during her life of service to others, and she should be given the respect and admiration that a life like hers deserves. And I will create and complete this project with that in ">mind.
We each go through our lives, doing what we do, because of who we are. There are some that are rich and powerful because they have been born into money, there are some that use entrepreneurial skills to create a huge empire, there are those that work a physically laboring job everyday, and some that work at home raising children and providing a haven for their families. We all have some manner of purpose in our daily life. I think that people that dedicate their lives to the service of others, deserve accolade upon accolade when that job is done. This woman truly deserves that and I will try my best to put that into this project, so she knows how thankful the world is for people like her.
Putting gratitude into a project first, is assurance that the task will be completed, and the ways will be shown to do them. As I shuffle through this woman’s life through her picture and memorabilia a way will be shown.
There is no task impossible, there is a path through any door, it just always starts with gratitude and baby steps. Fear of trying will be just that….FEAR. Fear does not exist when you create from within. Quiet your mind and the ways will approach. Open your mind and you will hear the directions.
Please remember that this is Autism Awareness Month and there is a project going to awaken the world to the need for services and recognition for this topic. Join these incredible moms and others, to hit this ball out of the park. (No, I am not a fan of baseball, I just do not always know where these words come from, I am just the vessel that are delivered in.)
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
From Oprah’s mission statement 04-01-2008
"Without loving and caring for others, most of us stand little chance of
communing with God, no matter how many years we may spend in silent prayer."
Bo Lozoff
The average person may read this and think “Finally, I have found a way to make my dreams come true, all I have to do is help a few people and then GOD WILL ANSWER MY PRAYER” And then, when their dreams still don’t come true, the first thing they do is turn on God. Seriously, I know people just like this, they lament all the time about how much they do for others and then when they need something it’s not there. Hello…it says “loving and caring”, that is a continuous state of being. That does not mean when you took care of your neighbor’s dog while they went away…It means service for God. Doing for others should be a priority. Of course, you do for your family everyday, I know… we all do that, but that is a choice we make when we choose to have a family. Loving and caring for others is a lot broader than that, it is the essence of you. It becomes you, it is you, and it is just a thought in your mind that gets it going, that shifts your consciousness enough, to move in the direction of those IN NEED.
Loving and caring for others can come in many different ways, it can come by joining service with others to help others, it can come by giving a neighbor a break once a week when they need respite from the kids, the issues of their home life, or just because you love them. It should be innate in all of us, and it probably was, until our parents decided to interfere with nature, as did their parents. We are born without sin, with the essence of God himself, and we learned to shed that as the years went by, learning things the old way. It is time we teach our children the “new” way by setting an example. Set an example of loving and caring for others. Show our children that the true essence of God is in all of us and we should be standing up to the plate every chance we get.
If you want to see the true essence of God then you should visit this blog and join in service to help with this undertaking. Some of the most amazing Moms I have ever seen are part of this giant undertaking and they can use all the help they can get. They can use others blogging for Autism for the month of April, they can use new resources and people to spread the word. Whatever you have to offer, share it here or there, but share it, make a commitment to shift your consciousness for others and then sit and wait…. for the within to answer the call. Stop waiting for what God is going to reward you with, learn selflessness, learn humility and put them to work in the service of causes that need you. There is something for everyone to do in almost every experience we have. There are millions of people, some without homes, food, clothing, shelter and love…help them without expecting reward. You already have the reward, it is in your heart, be grateful for it every morning and every night, everyday.
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Everyone needs a break now and then from their day, week, month or life. Why not take a one minute break today and watch this movie for FREE.
It is available for groups for the cost of S&H.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Why Good People Do Bad
A few weeks ago bestselling author Debbie Ford sent me an advance copy of her new book, Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy.
I’m a big fan of Debbie’s work. Her book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, is still one I say is required reading for anyone serious about self-development and expanded awareness.
So when Debbie sent me her new book, I dropped everything to begin it.
And I didn’t stop reading until I finished the book the same day.
It’s powerful, insightful, uncomfortable and wise.
It’s also a masterpiece.
The book makes you look at yourself with glasses that let you see rather than hide.
Most of us can’t admit that we are often our own worst enemy, but that’s what Debbie does best: she gets you to look at your “shadow” - the part of you that you’d rather not let anyone see.
Get this book. Read it. Own your shadow and transform your life.
You can get Debbie’s new book at all book stores or from NEW BOOK
Go get it.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Life Lessons for Loving the Way You Live
7 Essential Ingredients for Finding Balance and Serenity
"Life Lesson #5
I was going through one of the darkest periods of my life. The man I thought I was going to marry --my soul mate--had just ended our relationship. To make matters worse, I worked for him. Since his office was separated from the rest of us by a wall with a huge window, there was no escaping his expressions and body language that told me whenever he was on the phone with another woman.
I was devastated. I could hardly breathe at moments, my heart felt so crushed. I implored him to let me take my office computer home to work, so I wouldn't be faced with the pain of seeing him every day. He agreed, and the change of venue definitely helped.
But what helped me the most was the advice that my friend gave me. First, if I was ever going to survive, the most important thing was to go to bed every night before 10:00. I knew from my study of health that every hour of sleep we get before midnight is worth two hours after that time. I also knew that staying rested is by far the most effective way to deal with stress. Anyone who's ever gotten up in the morning without having enough sleep knows how hard life can be when we're tired. When challenges are accompanied by fatigue, we can feel hopeless.
The second thing I needed to do was to focus on the things I had to be grateful for. Every night before falling asleep, I started writing down at least five good things that had happened to me that day. The principle is simple: when we focus on darkness, we usually allow ourselves to be taken deeper and deeper into darkness. When we focus on light -- all that's good in our lives -- we attract more and more light.
It is a powerful truth: Whatever you put your attention on grows stronger in your life. It's no surprise that when we focus on the negative, that's all we can see. How often have you had ten great things happen to you in your day, but when a friend asks you how it's going, you immediately tell her about the one thing that didn't go so well? As someone once said, "The more you believe something matters, the more solid and tangible it becomes." Sometimes we get so involved thinking about the past or the future that we simply forget what's going on right in front of us. At times like these, I find it valuable to remember the advice of my friend Stacy, whose life was turned upside down when her husband left her with three sons. She couldn't figure out what was going to happen down the road, but she knew her children would be home from school for lunch. So she put a sign on her refrigerator that said, "Just make lunch." She calls it training for living in the moment and adds, "There's no knowing what the crystal ball holds, but every outcome starts with "making lunch." . . . ©2007. Jennifer Read Hawthorne. All rights reserved. Reprinted from Life Lessons for Loving the Way You Live: 7 Essential Ingredients for Finding Balance and Serenity by Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Health Communications, Inc., 3201 SW 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.
I find myself lately having to prepare my space when reading. I must have everything within arms reach, so I begin by having the right materials handy and each of the books I am working on.
I always have a notebook set up for each book, I find a college ruled Mead one subject notebook works well. As I run across a line in the book that I need to refer back to I use myPost it Highlighter Pen and flags. Flags are great because they can be placed right next to the actual line you have highlighted and you can even make a very small note. I like to use the page number as a reference to a paragraph I am writing about. You can find these products.
If I am working at the computer I like the small Mead memo pads for storing page and line numbers along with passwords. I like knowing my passwords are all in one place. The Mead ruled index cards that come spiral bound are really good for this too.
Once I have everything organized I begin to read, having everything at hand makes for a product read.
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Having attracted "The Secret" into my life, my mind is like a sponge and open to all that attracts me to my purpose in life. I was doing a search online one day, while considering having an online book club as a new business venture, and I ran across a link to Oprah's web site. Well, wouldn't yuou know, she's was already doing one.
I got onto her online class last night to listen to Eckhart Tolle talk about "A New Earth, Awakening to your Life's Purpose." and I was organized with my book, notebook, printed course materials and my mother's bible. I was about a half hour into the class and I got booted and couldn't get back on, but it seemed that what I had heard there, started my mind on a journey of discovery. I am grateful for my computer today.
The entire time I have been reading this book, I have had so many AHA moments that I can't
count them. The biggest one was that some of the bible verses he showed reference to were highlighted in my mother's bible. My mind went rampant with thoughts about her bible and a discovery I made that took me 25 years to get to. You can read about it at:
our gratitude in business
rosee285 at powerful intentions
These are all of my blogs. It turned out to be an interesting and productive night, even though I could not continue watching the class. I did get a chance to get on today, in the archives that Oprah has set up, for the class. It is lasting for 10 weeks and if you have not yet read Tolle's book, it is an essential read believe me. If you don't feel the AHA in the first chapter continue reading until you do. If you still don't feel it, put it down and go back at another time to read it, because it definitely will come, when your life awakens to it's purpose.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I created this blog to aid in the search for books on positive action. Self Help, inspirational and life issue books, because I believe that the environment of help is changing. More and more people are learning that we have lived most of our lives with old thinking. Some times we wake up in the morning and realize another, day, week, month or year has passed and we still have not realized some of our greatest dreams. In many cases, not even some of our smallest dreams.
Because the portability of reading materials has changed so dramatically, we really have no excuses not to take advantage of the available materials. A great many people that I know, still believe that they are stuck, living their life the way they always have, in spite of not reaching their goals, and even when their lives remain a mess. Homelessness, poverty, and hunger are some of the many examples of patterns that people do not change because they do not know how.
The books displayed on this site will offer titles for many life issues that may have the secrets people are looking for. The funny thing is, that there are still people that actually believe that living a good and full life is still a "secret." There is no is lived in only one way for us to realize all of the dreams we have in life. The right way, and the only way to find the right way, is to educate ourselves about it, and to enjoy the journey we take finding it.
I am finding my way through "The Secret" and what I am learning about The "Law of Attraction" and The Laws of Nature that govern our lives. For those of you that are looking for materials on those subjects please visit my other blogs, where you will also find, several marketing materials to promote and advertise your business, blog or web site.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Based on the public television series of the same name, Bradshaw On: The Family is John Bradshaw's seminal work on the dynamics of families that has sold more than a million copies since its original publication in 1988. Within its pages, you will discover the cause of emotionally impaired families. You will learn how unhealthy rules of behavior are passed down from parents to children, and the destructive effect this process has on our society.
Using the latest family research and recovery material in this new edition, Bradshaw also explores the individual in both a family and societal setting. He shows you ways to escape the tyranny of family-reinforced behavior traps--from addiction and co-dependency to loss of will and denial--and demonstrates how to make conscious choices that will transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. He helps you heal yourself and then, using what you have learned helps you heal your family.
Finally, Bradshaw extends this idea to our society: by returning yourself and your family to emotional health, you can heal the world in which you live. He helps you re-envision societal conflicts from the perspective of a global family, and shares with you the power of deep democracy: how the choices you make every day can affect--and improve--your world.
The Richardella-dulcisica, better known as the taste berry, is a unique fruit. When eaten, it causes the taste buds to experience all food eaten afterwards-even distasteful food-as sweet and delicious. Likewise, there are people who, through their love and compassion, make the lives of others better. Like the taste berry, these people can turn sour days into delightful, even joyful, ones.
With all the confusion, turmoil and heartache that teens experience, they need "taste berries" more than any other group. The authors - a mother/daughter team sensitive to the special needs of teens- have collected a wide array of inspirational material, which they interweave with teens' comments and critiques. The book is divided into units on self-worth, self-respect and self-esteem; friendship; love and meaningful relationships; finding meaning, purpose and direction in life; giving, sharing and making a difference; encouragement and success; and coping with pressure, stress and tough issues.
Real teens reviewed this book and the authors completed it with the collaborative feedback of those teens. This innovative approach enables Taste Berries for Teens to show teens - by means of the responses and reactions of their peers, rather than the rhetoric of adults - what it means to be a "taste berry" and to appreciate the "taste berries" in their lives. In addition, the authors offer their own suggestions and counsel to provide structure for the teen responses.
Taste Berries for Teens--a unique combination of timeless and heartwarming narratives, teen responses and reactions, and the authors' own loving and wise commentary and advice--is sure to become every teen reader's constant guide and trusted companion.
We do not have to follow a family tradition of compulsion or addiction. In Learning to Love Yourself, we can choose our own self-worth. It is necessary for us to get rid of our toxic self-defeating messages, and choose positive changes. Learning to Love Yourself is a journey to self-worth -- Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse shows you new perspectives and guides you to higher self-worth so that finally you can love yourself.
Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse is president of ONSITE Training and Consulting, Inc., of Rapid City, South Dakota. To address the issues outlined in the book, She has developed two residential programs, one is co-dependency treatment the other is a family reconstruction workshop.
Chicken Soup Stories for a Better World
Chicken Soup Stories For a Better World
Do you believe that a story can change your life? That it can inspire you to be more happy, more confident and more caring? That it can lift your mood, clear your head and give you perspective? Now what about 101 of the most uplifting stories you've ever read about people reaching out, stepping up and transforming their lives and the world around them?
At Chicken Soup for the Soul, we know that a story can change your heart. It can touch your mind. It can free your soul. The moment might be as simple as a small child giving water to a dog on a hot day or as heart-wrenching as a parent responding with love to the murder of their child. It might be as common as a class of poor immigrants giving their young instructor a new coat she needed but couldn't afford; as life changing as an unruly student learning to love math because of a dedicated teacher; as satisfying as someone apologizing for a hurtful action of several years before; or as monumental as the international work of Jimmy Carter and Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica.
As these stories so wonderful illustrate, the power to change starts with you, but it doesn't end there. When we change one heart at a time-our own and then those around us-we create a better world. We hope these stories will touch and change your heart today.
CHICKEN SOUP For The Teenage Soul
How to Figure Out the Drama--Teen to Teen
Every day you are faced with choices about friends, school, work, family obligations, and the future. It isn't always easy to know which direction to take, and if you do make a mistake, then what? To help you out, Chicken Soup for the Soul got together with Teen Ink magazine to bring you compelling, real-life stories from teenagers going through many of these issues. Teen Ink magazine is written by and for teenagers about everything from getting ready for the prom to losing someone you love.
In Chicken Soup for the Teen Soul: Real Stories by Real Teens, you will find honesty and insight about the everyday situations you face and see how other teens tackled them. Challenges, loss, constant change--how are you expected to handle it all? Like you, the teens in these stories often laugh, sometimes cry, and at times make mistakes. So share with them their innermost fears and thoughts as they cope with loss, watch their parents go through divorce, fall in love, and conquer their fears.
'You will start to become increasingly aware of the miracles all around you and the events in your life will begin to unfold in what seem like magical and mysterious ways.'
—Jack Canfield
As Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction explains, gratitude and acknowledgment are essential components in creating and attracting what you want in your life. Through the expression of gratitude on a daily basis, you align yourself to receive all the good the universe has to offer.
By simply focusing your thoughts and attention on the abundance that is already present in your life, you will literally shift your energy to a positive vibration that will automatically and effortlessly attract even more to be grateful for.
Gratitude: A Daily Journal is a year-long, two-part journal that provides a simple framework for your personal expressions of gratitude and acknowledgment. This journal is a powerful tool that will help to raise your consciousness and increase your awareness of the beauty and synchronicity that surround you each day. With each daily expression of gratitude, you will create a vibrational match for love, joy, and abundance
A Key To Living The Law of Attraction
A Key To Living The Law of Attraction
Long before co-creating the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield was already teaching the ancient principles of the Law of Attraction. Canfield has been consciously living in harmony with this universal law for more than thirty years, and his personal success is a testament to its power. Now, in Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction, he shares his knowledge and experience with you and offers you his proven tools and techniques for applying the Law of Attraction in your own life.
This book is a simple 'how to' guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Within these pages, Canfield clearly explains not only what you need to know, but what you need to do in order to attract what you want in your life. Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction addresses the important issues of clarity, purpose, and action. This thought-provoking guide will take you step by step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals, and desires. Along the way, you will gain a greater understanding of yourself—a sense of who you really are and why you are here. Your journey begins right here, right now. You can change your life, increase your awareness, and empower yourself to create an amazing future—one that is filled with love, joy, and abundance.
This book is your key.