Friday, February 29, 2008


I created this blog to aid in the search for books on positive action. Self Help, inspirational and life issue books, because I believe that the environment of help is changing. More and more people are learning that we have lived most of our lives with old thinking. Some times we wake up in the morning and realize another, day, week, month or year has passed and we still have not realized some of our greatest dreams. In many cases, not even some of our smallest dreams.

Because the portability of reading materials has changed so dramatically, we really have no excuses not to take advantage of the available materials. A great many people that I know, still believe that they are stuck, living their life the way they always have, in spite of not reaching their goals, and even when their lives remain a mess. Homelessness, poverty, and hunger are some of the many examples of patterns that people do not change because they do not know how.

The books displayed on this site will offer titles for many life issues that may have the secrets people are looking for. The funny thing is, that there are still people that actually believe that living a good and full life is still a "secret." There is no is lived in only one way for us to realize all of the dreams we have in life. The right way, and the only way to find the right way, is to educate ourselves about it, and to enjoy the journey we take finding it.

I am finding my way through "The Secret" and what I am learning about The "Law of Attraction" and The Laws of Nature that govern our lives. For those of you that are looking for materials on those subjects please visit my other blogs, where you will also find, several marketing materials to promote and advertise your business, blog or web site.

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