Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The Power to Shape Your DestinyThe Power To Shape Your Destiny will become your close companion as you use it to realize what you really want from your life. Do you want a more fulfilling career, economic freedom, or more passionate relationships? Do you want to have the time for extraordinary vacations? Would you just like to be closer to a certain friend, relative, or loved one? What's been holding you back from living your dreams? If you want to change it all, this is the program to make it happen.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


My out of control Image by leef_smith via FlickrNightingale Conant has added "Browse Inside" to their book collection. So you can try it before you buy it. Try it with "Soul Mapping"by (The Vocare Group) Nina Frost, Dr. Kenneth Ruge, and Dr. Richard Shoup

SOUL MAPPING: An Imaginative Journey to Self-Discovery is a pro-active program in which you are given the many tools to create your unique soul map. Your map is comprised of ten distinct individual maps that, when assembled, will aid you in solving many of your life's unanswered questions, allowing you to experience the vast breadth of your greatness.

Soul MappingSOUL MAPPING: An Imaginative Journey to Self-Discovery is a pro-active program in which you are given the many tools to create your unique soul map. Your map is comprised of ten distinct individual maps that, when assembled, will aid you in solving many of your life's unanswered questions, allowing you to experience the vast breadth of your greatness.

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